About Us

We are a leading provider of communications hardware and software solutions in Africa. We have partnered with reputable suppliers of products who are committed to ensuring quality products. We are also devoted to assisting our customers in constructing, connecting, safeguarding, and optimizing their communications infrastructure.

We enjoy a good reputation in Kenya’s Telecommunication Industry especially in the field of FTTx. Currently, Aniscom provides a whole industry chain service platform for telecommunication operators. Our leading product services can be catalogued into the following series; Optical Passive Devices, FTTH Box Solutions, Broadband Terminal Network Terminal Devices, Heat Shrinkable Devices, Wireless Telecom Devices for Moble Communications and Telecommunication Tubular Products

Our partnership with you is what we exist for

Our wide range of products, competitive prices and commitment to seeing our clients satisfied has allowed us to walk with many clients in their business journey. Become an Aniscom client today!

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©AniscomGroup 2024